Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tulip - Bumble Bee View

Since I'm missing the mark these days in making certain that some (scratch that - many) things grow, I'm appreciating this small patch of producers from out back in Sugar Hollow. Tulips.

They have endured, in the span of a week-and-a-half, snow, two days of rain and then another two days of violent winds - gusting up to 70 miles her hour.

Woot. Woot. I had nothing to do with this photo - my kick-butt camera really does all the work. ALL the work.


swampkris said...

You still have to point the thing! Give yourself some credit- it is a lovely shot. They all are.

msbelle said...

Just a gorgeous shot. And btw, I love reading your blog.

Tracey said...

Thanks y'all (blushing) - I DO love pointing the camera at things. Lately, the closer the better!