But my tomatoes are all in, as are the peppers (sweet and hot). Corn and sunflowers are in the ground. Summer squash is sprouting.
As it gets hotter and hotter, I will turn to my container garden for solace and gardening fixes. This photo is of Blue Zephyr Brachyscome and Madeira Crested Pink Argyranthemum.
I'm off to soak in a shady river spot and sit on a cool, flat rock with a good book. Meh, who am I kidding. I'll probably fall asleep on that rock after reading one page, one paragraph. Mouth wide open. Oh, goodie. More bugs.
The shady river spot sounds like good recompense for the heat and humidity. I'd love to see a picture of it sometime. The Blue Ridge is so beautiful . . .
Hi Pam!
I will take a photo - although my 'landscape' shots always fall short of what I am trying to capture . . . I'll do my best . . .
I bet I'm purdier than you this time of year! :). I look and feel like a sweaty dirtbag most of the time.
Our weather sounds like it's mirroring yours~
I wish we were living up at Crystal Lake already. There's a rock there with my name on it~~~~~
I love that blue birdbath!
I know it. Sometimes, my favorite part of the day is the indulgent end-of-the-day-shower.
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