So, I was delighted when I received my most recent email newsletter from Johnny's Selected Seeds and it included a list of flowers, vegetables and herbs you can direct sow in June! How cool is that?!
HERBS - Basil, borage, calendula, chamomile, chervil, cilantro, dill, epazote, flax, marjoram, milk thistle, parsley, poppy, savory, shiso, and spilanthes.
FLOWERS - Ammi, calendula, centaurea, cleome, cosmos, grasses, hyacinth bean, marigold, morning glory, nasturtium, phlox, poppy, reseda, salpiglossis, scarlet runner bean, snow on the mountain, sunflowers, tithonia, and zinnia.
VEGETABLES - Beans, beets, carrot, corn, cucumber, endive, escarole, kohlrabi, kale, lettuce, pumpkins, radishes (Easter Egg heirloom variety pictured above), spinach, squash, and Swiss chard.
I know that I will never have it together enough to have everything in the ground by the end of May. I'm not made for that type of gardening. Happily, I'll be out there this evening, sowing my little pickling cucumber seeds. At a pace that better suits me and my own internal gardening calendar.
Thanks for this list! I inadvertently deleted my Johnny's e-mail and have been trying to find that list ever since! YAY!
Hi Ali! You are most welcome . . .
I never realized so much could be planted in June. I always thought it was too hot this time of year. This is a fabulous list -- thank you for sharing it!
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