Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hunkering Down For Winter: Teas and Broths

There is a comforting, grounding post on The Herbwife's Kitchen's blog about herbal teas and broths for winter. Her pink ginger tea looks like the perfect elixir for just about anything.

My new favorite tea is Rebecca's (of Mind's Eye Farm) Mother-To-Be's Tonic Tea. Chock full of vitamins and minerals - it is by far the best of the pregnancy teas out there. And I have tried a bunch. Leora gave me this as a gift and it immediately became a part of my morning and afternoon routines.

Corey even liked it. I told him it would make him grow boobs (snicker). He's left it well alone since then . . .


Wear Your Wild said...

Oh my! You're pregnant! It been ages since I made proper blogging rounds. What wonderful news!
Happy Holidaze~

Rebecca said...

Thank you for the sweet mention! It is the simmering time of year...

(It's a small herb-world -- I know Rebecca of Mind's Eye Farm from the Northeast Community Herbal Convergence.)