Monday, May 13, 2013

Transformations and Ch-Ch-Changes



Early spring 2013

(I am posting something I wrote last summer but never published and am just updating it with a recent photo. My writing ability is highly challenged these days. I actually spent five minutes the other day searching for a particular word and upon finally remembering the word, I managed to completely forget the sentence I needed it to complete. The word, by the way, was 'hapless.')


Do you remember a post from a-ways back about our doggie dustbowl and how things needed to change?

They did! {Click on each photo for bigger views.}

The roses, butterfly bushes, caryopteris and lilac are all, miraculously, healthy and happy in their new spot. I have even added an antique climbing rose and an elderberry. I am hoping to train the rose up the front of the house.You can't even see the fig - but it is there.

This post is about remembering the biggest part of gardening - patience.


Becky said...

I am a gal of very little patience. I call it one of those over rated virtues to be honest. And yet, I love gardening....which is nothing BUT an exercise in patience.
The lilac that I've been lamenting about? It's looking healthier than it has in years this year. And I've been reading that it can take years to get established enough to bloom. So perhaps I won't move it just yet....
And in the way back of the yard is a peony I split from a friend's garden a few years ago. It has one bud on it, so I keep walking out there and checking it a few times day, just to see how it's doing. I've waited two years for it to bloom, but these last weeks are killing me

Patience_Crabstick said...

I can't believe how much your fig grew! It's all so beautiful.