Monday, July 16, 2007

The Zucchini Extravaganza

My brother Chris told me this funny story recently.

Years ago, Chris was given two huge bags of zucchini by a friend of a friend. Someone he had just met. My brother, always polite, thanked this person - but gestured that they were being too kind. Too generous.

To this, the zucchini-gift-giver replied, "Listen. This time of year, if you happen to leave your car unlocked, there's a good chance you'll come back to deliberately abandoned bags of zucchini sitting on your passenger side seat. Take them."

For those of you just learning about growing your own food, start with zucchini and try it out next summer. You will feel like a rock star-gardener when all is said and done. They just giveth and giveth. They grow quickly and abundantly.

And then, there is the harvest. Some ideas:

1. Steam it and toss with pasta and grated Pecorino Romano cheese.
2. The obvious but very loved zucchini bread.
3. A Zucchini Fritters recipe - brought to my attention by Christa at Calendula and Concrete.
4. The lovely and thrifty Piedmont Garden Swap Group just had a discussion on preserving zucchini. One participant suggested that you can shred and freeze the zucchini and use it later for bread-baking purposes. Neat. Another recent post includes some unique recipes. Join the group - learn a ton.
5. I used to giggle at the title of this book - The Classic Zucchini Book - pre-my own zucchini harvest overages. Now, I am intruiged. 225 ways to prepare zucchini or squash. Waste not want not goes to the next level.


Mary said...

And don't forget Chocolate & Zucchini cake!

Tracey said...

Yes! I just started hearing about it this year. MUST make it this week . . .

Here is another link:

Tracey said...

One more time - for the link . . .

Steph said...

No wonder my frugal grandparents grew zucchini. My grandmother made the best zucchini bread ever!