Monday, December 17, 2007

DIY: Cloches

The inspiration from English Creek Gardens.

My solution.

I have pined over cloches for years now. But always balked at the prices.

Then, during lunch one day, I skulked around Michael's - (you know, the craft place). They were selling huge hurricane vases, brandy-snifter-type things and tall candle holders - waaaaaay cheaper. You just had to envision - turning them upside-down over a favorite plate or bowl - and there you had a cloche. Another mini-greenhouse option for houseplants. Plus, the combinations are limitless.

My cloche was made with a $.50 plate from a thrift store and a $6 hurricane candle holder from Michael's. (BTW - Their candle holders were all on sale as of this past Saturday . . . )


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