Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby In The Garden

A delightful gift from a client of Corey's sent us out to the garden last evening for a picnic. Willa is happiest laying on her back, on a blanket, looking up at the sky and listening to the sounds of Sugar Hollow.

A Baby's Garden has chapters on grass, dirt, wind, shadows, leaves, herbs. And how you can introduce your wee one to these sensory extravaganzas. There are pages where you can capture your baby's muddy hand prints at different stages. Leaves can be pressed and saved in another section. Journal entries can be made on their reactions to different flowers and herbs.

So there's a new pace in the garden. Quiet. Thought provoking. Gleefully simple. Willa's pace. She's already taught me so much.


Bonbon Oiseau said...

This is such a sweet post...

Tracey said...

Thanks, girl . . .