When I am not making terrariums during the winter months, I am knitting. I like to stock up on the goods at the Fall Fiber Festival - held at James Madison's Montpelier every October. I am also a fan of the sheep dog trials. Each year we threaten to bring our handsome and smart Otis (half border collie) to the event, to let him loose and see what he can wrangle or herd up!
I picked up some brown alpaca wool for future Willa sweaters from Blue Ridge Yarns and some Bracken green wool for (possible) felted baby booties from Carodan Farm. Once the darkness falls, post daylight-savings-time, I will be blissfully parked in front of our wood stove most evenings. My own version of hibernation.
P.S. Montpelier has spectacular walled gardens and majestic old trees that are worth seeing in and of themselves. Their Fall Big Woods Walk is being offered on October 19th.
I'm so jealous! I couldn't go this year b/c of other plans and frankly too much yarn in my closet to justify it! What a beautiful day and excellent yarn -- happy knitting!
I have been following with keen interest the restoration of Montpelier, and have been trying to find an excuse to make the trek.
LOLOLOL! Okay, this is a great headline. I don't knit, so when I read it, I thought maybe they were passing out free Citrucel ;)
Knitting, FIBER, Citrucel, Montpelier. It's ALL good, yes?!
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