We seem to be alternating between air conditioning, cold swimming holes and eating anything we can coming out of our garden and the gardens of others.
My vegetable garden is starting to look like typical early August. Totally overrun with weeds and neglected by me. This has been our relationship for years now. I need to be okay with it, because I don't seem to make any attempts to change how it plays out. Grumbling about the weeds, without the where-with-all to do anything about them, is just starting to feel silly.
Inside with a book and a tall glass of iced sweet tea is where I want to be, not hacking away at weeds in 98-degree heat with high, hair-raising humidity.
There, I said it.
More on indoor pursuits:
Reading: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks; Bossypants; The Glass Castle; Old School (by Tobias Wolff); The Little House (a childhood favorite that Uncle Chris bought for Willa).
Watching: True Blood Season 3; Kitchen Nightmares (the early, more palatable seasons with more coaching, less screaming); and we are starting Treme tonight. Also, I went to see a Sunday afternoon matinee of Crazy Stupid Love with a friend - *GO*.
Eating: Homemade applesauce with those tart, midsummer green apples from Henley's; also from Henley's - their peach ice cream; pickles (still); 'Sugar Baby' watermelon ice pops (just puree watermelon in the blender and pour into molds); Sungold tomatoes - warm from the garden; corn-corn-corn; iced Republic of Tea Ginger Peach refrigerator tea.
Visiting: Various Sugar Hollow swimming spots and thinking about Grand Caverns sometime this week. Where it stays a cool 54-degrees year-round.
Thank you: To Albemarle Family for a sweet LISH mention in their magazine.
Not only is my August garden over run with weeds, I forget to water, so only the plants that really look thirsty get any. If my better half hadn't set up the soaker hose in the veggie garden, it would never get watered....
And yes, this has been our relationship for years too. I always start out with bang in March and get bored by July....always.
It never fails to entertain me, seeing your posts about summer when we are in mid winter here. That swimming hole looks amazing.
Weeds... *sigh*...
The swimming holes and homemade applesauce sound so much nicer than weeding! Happy summer days to you and yours!
Hi there from New Hampshire! I feel the same garden woes. My garden is looking a tad sad these late August days. A squash vine borer has gotten to my zukes, so I had to pull up the plants. My tomatoes don't seem to be in any rush to ripen. Cukes have died down. *sigh* But this year was more successful than last, so I learn more each year!
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