Feeling sloggy at work and at play and at parenting, I thought I would create a wish list/goal list for myself for the year - going through to Fall 2012. Some items are definitely more attainable and concrete than others. Others are certainly pie-in-the-sky. I find autumn to be my time of revamping. Maybe you too?
{Idea inspired by Summer Pierre.}
2. Exercise 5 - 6 days a week (It is good for my heart and my head.)
3. Run two 5Ks (Maybe
4. But at the same time, what with all this exercise, be accepting of my mama body
6. Sew a skirt for myself
8. Read 25 books
11. Take Willa on the train to NYC or DC (or both?)
12. Have high tea somewhere fancy with Mom
13. Go see the ladies at the monastery making cheese
18. Make pasta (from scratch)
19. Try to not be a complete slave to the chore list
20. Spend (another) day in Richmond (Find that Taco Truck and Hollywood Cemetery.)
23. Find more and more ways to be creative with Willa (She usually shows me the way.)
24. Remember that seeing live music injects me with happiness
25. Photograph as much of Sugar Hollow as possible (and as much as possible with the appearance of an ethereal woodland fairy)
27. Less grudges, more gratitude
28. Remember that compassion feels good - anger, not so much
30. Find a good photo booth (This also inspired by Summer Pierre.)
Love the list. Wondering if we could combine No. 7 and No. 24 and go see a show sometime. And willing to offer help on No. 5. Edie & I combined make a killer pie crust.
I love your list! So much here that is inspiring--running, pie crust, high tea, photoboothing? Sounds like a great year! Keep us all posted!
xo Summer
I fear that if I made such a list it would well surpass 30 and just how much I need to do would be too in my face. So I will make no list.
This is awesome! I am inspired. I will start working on my list. When you go to Richmond, maybe check out this place http://www.yelp.com/biz/new-york-delicatessen-restaurant-richmond (They apparently have a working photo booth! at least as of 8/23/2011)
Love #'s 4, 11, 21, 25 and 28. And I know the perfect #30 (see #11).
oxoxo and thanks for the visit. You totally made my day!
great list. I love making these lists for myself as well!
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