Monday, November 19, 2012

Autumn Lull

This is the view from my workspace in the garden - while I cleaned up a small section this past weekend. It felt good to move around. {I exercised caution and stopped before my back started screaming.} There was sun on my belly, too. And, warm kittens to pick up and feel their rumbles and purrs.

This stretch of the year - between Thanksgiving and Christmas - is my time to clean up the garden. The University gives us a nice chunk of time off - so the upcoming long weekend will give me more moments of garden work. Maybe some bulb plantings. And I want to prep the cold frame - so I can sprinkle seeds down in February - for greens in March and early April.


Corey and I went to see Lincoln yesterday at the new stadium-seating theater in Charlottesville. Fantastic.

I just ordered The Toymaker's Christmas book - filled with paper toys for Willa and I to assemble.

Knitting season is here - and this year I have a very vocal child with clear opinions on what she wants me to knit for her. So much fun.

I have been getting some time with my fiddle and this site is my favorite for traditional Irish music. Not only does he supply the sheet music, but there are also MP3s of each tune - so you have something to listen to while you are learning.

Natalie Merchant's new book (illustrated by Barbara McClintock) and CD - Leave Your Sleep - is gorgeous.


Becky said...

I know all too well the effect of a vocal, opinionated child who picks out the most complicated sweater you've ever seen and starts telling everyone she can how her mommy is knitting that for her.
I definitely did not let her down, but I won't be knitting anything that complicated again for a long time.

Tracey said...

I have given up on sweaters, B - I just knit our hats, scarves, fingerless gloves, cowls - things like that. I might knit some pants for the baby, too.

Bhavya said...

It is such a big help when your kids know what they want as the end product in terms of sweaters :) I have knitted so many only to throw them away because my daughter did not find them to her taste.

Flower Delivery In Bangalore said...

So nice and bright sunshine from your window. Btw, the cat looks dangerous ;)
Its nice that you share your thoughts with us.