Saturday morning at the Crozet Farmers' Market was a hoot and being part of a farmers' market and the camaraderie was inspiring. So much so that, in getting caught up in the excitement, I spent every penny of my morning's earnings at the market - supporting other vendors! The way it should be, right?
Vendors to look out for over the next few weeks at the market :: The family selling divisions of unique daylilies ( I bought a 'Pandora's Box') to send their kids to camp this summer. The iris rhizome tent (ask him anything about irises). The lady who bakes the almond/cherry/chocolate icing cupcakes (I had to keep checking my face in the mirror, to wipe off icing smears). And heirloom tomato starter plants galore. Get up and out there early!
Look at that rhubarb, and the beautiful prints!
Good for you!! Your display is lovely. It sounds like such a cool farmer's market...
Oh! I have a giant vase of sweet williams on my desk right now! How lovely that you have them on your table too on the other side of the world...
Tracey, your table looks beautiful. Are you planning to be there every weekend or only some Saturdays? I'll try to get out there one weekend and meet you. I have only been to the Crozet market a few times but I love it.
Thanks a bunch, dear friends!
NEE - I always love hearing about what is blooming in Australia.
Betsy - I think my appearances at the market may be sporadic - too much Saturday time away from Willa and Corey! I will try to post something on FB if I am going to be there - would LOVE to meet you!
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