We had another adventure earlier in the month. The Eastern Shore, Chincoteague and Assateague. Beach breezes, sand, low tide smells (which I like out of nostalgia), seafood, boats, wild horses, lighthouses.
It is raining here today - which we desperately needed. I'll be ready to plant this weekend, now.
Some things I am looking forward to in the garden:
Seeing how our first cover crop/green manure improved the vegetable garden's soil. I sowed some winter rye last autumn, it grew all winter and Corey tilled it into the tomato bed last night.
Trying my hand at propagating an old, fragrant rose from my brother's house. I'll take cuttings, follow these directions and hope for the best.
I am awaiting shipments of plants (!) - a dwarf mulberry and some bigroot geraniums. I love-love visits to nurseries, but sometimes, when you need something really specific, having it shipped is lovely.
I wrote a bit on what I would love to see during Historic Garden Week in Virginia over at Breathe.
Have fun with your new plants! The beach is wonderful....love to be around it when I can:)
There is nothing like the smell of the air crossing the Chincoteague causeway, and I mean that in a good way.
Hello fellow beach lovers! Yes!
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